It's like soda, except pee pee flavored.
The first car i bought was a silver RX7.
I showed my appreciation by crashing it into my parent's basketball goal the second day i had it.
My friends and I called it the 'Silver Bullet',
ideally because it looked like the Speed Racer car,
but really because it ran about as well as Coors Light tastes.
You name it, I've probably seen every episode at least twice.
Unless it's one of those 'good' reality shows.
I feel tired just watching it.
Amazing Race?
Amazingly gay.
Now if you can give me your top ten on why Cheaters is the REALEST show ever, then we'll talk.
Silly Cubs fans think they have it so tough.
Try staying with a team that has never won a World Series,
hasn't even made the playoffs since my younger sister was born,
and hasn't had a winning season in 13 years.
Do all of this while you're living in a town with a club as dominant as the Braves,
and then tell me why I still care?
Bernie Brewer kids.
No home run celebration matches a mascot sliding from a giant keg into a full mug of beer.